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We keep very stringent and transparent records, and accounts, of our donor and sponsor endorsement - we are members of the fundraising regulator self-regulatory scheme. The Fundraising Regulator works to ensure that organisations raising money from the public do so honestly and properly.


All expenditure, from donor and sponsor endorsements, is visually documented i.e. accounts and photographic presentation is made available, so we can make sure every pound, euro and/or dollar is used directly for project purposes!

Sponsorship does not equal influence. SUWC is fully independent.

Our Fundraising Promise

We are members of the Fundraising Regulator; we follow the Codes of Fundraising Practice which ensure excellent standards within our fundraising practices.​

About our Promise

  • We are committed to high standards and do all we can to comply with the codes and with this promise.

  • We comply with the law including those which apply to data protection, health and safety and the environment.

  • We do what we say we are going to do and answer all reasonable questions about our fundraising activities and costs.

  • Where we have a promotional agreement with a commercial company, we make it clear how much of the purchase price we receive in the fundraising accounts.

  • No undue pressure is applied on you to make a gift and if you do not want to give or wish to cease giving, we will respect your decision.

If you are unhappy with anything we’ve done whilst fundraising, you can contact us to make a complaint.

Anti-poaching guides in Africa, kneeling with an elephant in a community based, sustainable use conservation hunting area.


Poaching / illegal hunting is a major conservation priority for SUWC and continues to be one of the primary fundraising objectives for our organisation...

The hunting community actively maintain vital habitats, undertaking research and monitoring counts for woodcock conservation.
Kenya big game marine conservation programme, fishermen tag & release a marlin as part of an ecotourism fishing safari.
Namibian bushman tracking and hunting as part of a shared community based, sustainable use, hunting conservation enterprise.
An armed anti-poaching boat patrol unit in Africa, protecting wildlife conservation areas from illegal hunting.
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